Erectile dysfunction affects men and their partners in different ways:
– Some men might become depressed
– Some men might experience lowered self-esteem and feel as though they are ‘less’ of a man
– Some men might avoid contact with their partners so that they will not be ‘embarrassed’ by being unable to perform
Partners may also be affected:
– They may feel that their partner no longer finds them attractive and that they are therefore the cause of the problem
– They may feel that their partner is cheating on them and having sex with somebody else
All these feelings are normal among men with erection problems and their partners.
Some medical practitioners and sexologists may ask to see the partner at some point during the assessment and treatment. They may even wish to evaluate the partner’s sexual functioning as this can impact the treatment plan.
Adapted from: The SASHA Guide to Erections and Erection Problems. Smart D. © Ronin-Do (Pty) Ltd 2004